In order to get started, the first thing you need to do is to create your hotel. You have already created your hotel when registering in the program. But there is still no any information about your hotel that is why you need to edit it.
1. To create a new hotel or edit your existing ones, go to the section Settings and select the tab Hotels in the main menu of the program on the left. In the opened submenu, again select Hotels.
2. In the newly opened window you will see a list of your hotels, which is currently empty. To add a new hotel, click +Add in the bottom of the screen.
3. Next you need to provide basic information about the hotel.
Important! Fields marked with * are required!
There are two sections - General information and Settings.
Let's look at the fields available in the General information section:
Title - the name of your hotel.
Internal name - the name used inside the program. Customers will not be able to see it.
International name - indicated in English. It will be seen by clients who do not speak your language.
Prefix - here indicate the legal name that will be used in the documents.
Description - information about your hotel, which can be seen by your guests.
Then go to the Settings section below. Here you need to fill the following fields:
Hotel Logo - if you have a logo in .jpeg, .png or .gif format, you can add it. Click on "Browse" and select the file you need from the hard drive. The size limit is 2 Mb.
Important! If you have a Hostel, then be sure to set the switch to"Yes" in the Hostel? field.
In this case, when forming a room fund, beds will be automatically created, not rooms and the cost will be calculated for 1 person, not one room.
Chosen by default? - If you want to set this hotel as a default one when you enter the program, then put "Yes". Use this function if you have more than one hotel. Check in time and Check out time - this is the usual time of check-in and check-out from your hotel.
4. After all fields are filled, click on the green Save button in the bottom of the screen.
5. Then, as soon as you save the main information, new tabs will open at the top of the page - Contact Info, Additional Settings and Photos. Here you can specify additional data that will be available for viewing by users. It is not obligatory for filling, but it is recommended to fill it in order to attract more guests.
Let's look at each of the available tabs:
Contact info:
Here you can specify the address of your hotel in the Address section.
In the Location section you can specify GPS coordinates: Latitude and Longitude.
In the Url-addresses section insert links to relevant pages from your hotel's website into the specified fields. In the Polls field put the link for the polls you created to gather clients' reviews. Read about it here.
Also here you can specify in which languages you provide services and contact information for your customer support.
Important! As soon as you fill in all the fields, do not forget to save the changes!
Additional Settings:
In Additional Settings, in Parameters, you can specify the Star rating of your hotel, the type and theme of your hotel from the offered to choose from (holidays, beach, business trips, etc.). Then indicate the facilities available at your hotel (swimming pool, bar, etc.), rules of accommodation and smoking rules.
To delete unnecessary facilities, just click on the icon.
At the Payment Method section specify which payment systems you support and if you accept invoices.
Important! As soon as you fill in all the fields, do not forget to save the changes!
Here you can upload photos of your hotel one at a time. Be sure to include the main photo by putting "Yes" in the Default? menu item. Please note, the maximum size of one photo is 2Mb.
Important! As soon as you add all the photos, do not forget to save the changes!
After that the creation of the hotel is completed. You can at any time edit or delete hotels.
Also remember that you can create any number of hotels. To navigate between hotels, use the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
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