To change the general parameters of the MaxiBooking system, go to System settings.
Here you can change some general system parameters.
Here you have 3 blocks of parameters that you can change:
Main settings
Time Zone - Select your time zone from the list.
Currency - currency you will be using for payments
SMS notification? - Use the switch to turn on/off SMS notifications for clients.
Unpaid Notification - After how many days the client will receive a notification of an unpaid booking.
Quick search - Specify whether you want the search results to be updated automatically after entering the data into the search field.
Show the description - Show or not show the description in the forms and reports.
Reservation price rounding - specify how many decimal digits you want to use. You can also completely turn off the decimal digits (pennies, cents etc.).
Send a confirmation about payment? - turn on/off receiving notifications when you get a payment receipt.
Start date - This date will be used by default when booking.
Query statistics - enable or disable the collection of query statistics.
Start Date Offset - shifting the start date from the current date.
Reservation payment period - after how many days unpaid reservation will be marked as overdue.
Rate of currency exchange - the coefficient by which the price is multiplied when converting to another currency if the data is not available online.
Languages in online form
Website enabled? - if you don't want to use a website created on our platform, choose No.
Reservation selection parameters
Additional dates in search results - the number of additional days prior and after the date you entered when searching for available rooms.
Number of rates - the number of rates displayed by default when creating a booking.
Reserve with no payer? - indicate whether it is possible to book a room without specifying a payer.
Number of adults - the number of adults in the default search form.
Number of children - the number of children in the default search form
Notification settings
In the list of notifications for clients, note which notifications the clients will receive.
Important! To apply the changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
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