Adding tables
After the menu is made up, it remains only to create the restaurant itself to start service. To do this, you need to specify what tables you have and how many.
To set up a restaurant, go to the Settings / Restaurant and select the Tables menu item.
First you need to differentiate the zones in your restaurant, i.e. break tables into categories. To add a category, click on + New category of tables at the top of the screen.
In the category creation window enter the name of a category, internal name, if necessary, and then save changes.
Once you created a category, the program will warn you that it has no tables. You can add a table by clicking on the + Add a table button or use the link from the warning (points 1 and 2). In the same menu you can also edit a category (3) or remove it (4). Remember that you can not delete a category when it still contains tables in it. To add a category, click on + Add a new category at the top of the screen (5).
When you click on the + Add a table button, you will open a window where you need to fill out the general information about the table. Remember that the fields marked with * are required to fill in.
Name - The name of the table, usually it is a number.
Internal title - a name for usage by the staff. Preferably it also should contain a number, but it can also describe a table, for example, here you can specify the position of the table in the restaurant.
Joined with - In case of a large number of guests, indicate which table you can join this table with.
Enabled - with the help of the switch, indicate whether this table is available for booking or not.
Important! After entering all the information, do not forget to save changes.
Working with the table
When all the necessary tables have been added to the table, you have several options there to use. Lets look at them:
Using the arrows next to the name of the columns, you can sort the results in the table from larger to smaller and vice versa.
By clicking on the edit button, you can edit the table. You can also edit the table by clicking on its name.
By clicking on the delete button, you can remove the table.
Using the export buttons, you can export the table in Excel or PDF formats.
Enable or disable the table.
After making changes you need to save them.
After creating tables, you can get started with your restaurant.
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