Menu creation
After the ingredients have been created, you can proceed to create the menu. Go to the Settings / Restaurant menu section and select Menu item. First create categories of dishes. For this, just click + New dish category at the top of the screen to start.
In the category creation window enter the name of a category, internal name, if necessary, and then save changes.
Once you create a category, the program will warn you that it has no dishes. You can add a dish by pressing the + Add a new dish button or by using the link from the warning (points 1 and 2). In the same menu you can also edit a category (3) or remove it (4). Remember that you can not delete a category while there are dishes in it. To add a category, click on + Add a new category in the bottom or at the top of the screen.
When you click on the button + Add new dish, a dish creation window will appear where you need to fill in 3 information blocks. Remember that the fields marked with * are required to fill in.
General Information
Title - the name of the dish.
Internal title - a name for internal usage in MaxiBooking.
Description - brief description of the dish
Show - use the switch to turn the dish on or off.
Price formation
In this block, the price will be calculated.
Price - you can set the price manually. Just enter it here.
Net cost - the price will be calculated automatically depending on the ingredients and their quantity based on the information you enter in the third block.
Margin % - it is the difference between the end price and the prime cost in percents. You can set the percentage and the program will automatically calculate the price based on the cost price of the dish. To use this function, set the Margin switch into "Yes" position. In this case you won't be able to set the price manually.
Composition of the dish
In this block you need to compose a dish from the ingredients added earlier. Click on the + Add button, then select the desired ingredient from the list. Set the number, and then press + Add again to add a new ingredient, etc., until the dish is completely made up. Ingredients can always be removed from the list.
Important! After filling all the information, do not forget to save the changes.
Working with the table
When all the necessary dishes have been added to the table, you have several options in the table to use. Lets look at them:
Using the arrows next to the name of the columns, you can sort the results in the table from larger to smaller and vice versa.
By clicking on the edit button, you can edit the dish. You can also edit the dish by clicking on its name.
By clicking on the delete button, you can remove the dish.
Using the export buttons, you can export the table in Excel or PDF formats.
In the table itself you can change the price, without going into the editing window, as well as
turn the dish on or off.
After making changes to the table, you need to save them by pressing a corresponding button.
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