After clicking the Reserve button, a new window will open in the browser. At the top panel you will see several tabs, each of them can be opened and filled in with additional information.
Important! Remember that the fields marked with * are required. Also do not forget to save changes after filling the fields in each tab.
1 Order #
The first tab contains basic information about the reservation. Here you can see the order number and the cost of the order, including an already payed part of this sum. It can be seen in the Paid/Total line. Also here you can see the Order type (it is the source of the booking), a Payer name and if the order is Confirmed.
In the Main information block you can change the Source of reservation. When booking via the program, the default source is always Manager.
A Comment field allows you to enter any additional information. Only employees can see it.
Confirmed? - by default, the reservation created in the MaxiBooking program is confirmed. Bookings from external sources must be confirmed manually.
2. Information
This tab displays basic information about the reservation. There are several blocks here: Information, Check in/out, Room, Price, Discount, Special offer, Info.
This block contains the information on the Rate and Prices used in the reservation.
In particular, you can see the overall Price and Daily Prices, as well as the cost of the included services. Reservation status (Order type and Confirmation) are also listed here.
Check in/out
Here, Check-in and Check-out dates are indicated and you can change them if you want to. Using the Force registration switch you determine if conditions and limitations are ignored for this booking.
If you change the arrival / departure dates in the reservation and there are no available rooms in that period of time, you will see an error message.
If you have applied forced registration, then after saving the changes, you will see an alert message that the reservation was created while ignoring the conditions and limitations set.
Here is the type of room where guests will stay is indicated, as well as the number of children and adults. If the room is for smokers, turn the switch to a "Yes" position. If no, leave it untouched.
Rate - the rate applied to this reservation.
Price - total price of the reservation.
If you want to give this customer an individual discount, you can do it here.
In the Discount field enter the sum or percentage. If you use percentage for a discount, turn the Percentage switch into a "Yes" position. Otherwise the sum will be used.
Special Offer
Here you can choose a special offer from the drop-down list, if any of them are available at the moment.
Reservation number - usually assigned automatically, but you can change it.
Comment - enter any information for the hotel staff.
3. Payer
The payer can be both the Person and the Organization.
If the payer is a person then stay in the Person tab and fill in the necessary information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Preferred Language
- Required fields are the First Name and the Last Name.
Note. If the Add as guest? switch is in a "Yes" position then the payer will be added as a guest to a corresponding tab. You can not add the payers as a guest, then turn the switch to "No".
If this guest book the room not the first time, then you don't have to enter all the information as you can find them in a database. To do this, start typing the first letters of the last name in the Full name field. The system will automatically suggest possible options.
If the payer is a legal entity, go to the Organization tab.
The same search field can be found here. Start typing the name of the organization in the Title field and the system will suggest options of it finds the names of the organizations in the database.
When you add a legal entity (Organization), you must fill in the following information:
- Name
- Phone number
- Tax Number
- Company Number
- City
- Street
- Office
Required fields are only Name, Tax Number and City.
All the clients you add here will be stored in the database. You can always find them in the lists, and also edit them. More details about this can be found here.
4. Guests
In this tab you can add all the guests specified in the order. If several guests must are mentioned in the reservation, you must add each of them. If you have not added guests, the program will show a warning message when you enter this tab. You can also see the number of added guests and a total number of guests in the tab title as a decimal.
To add a guest, find them in the database if it's a repeat client, or enter the data manually. You should enter data the same way as in case with payers, same fields here, except that the Organization cannot be a guest.
Note. Save the data after adding each guest. After that, the program will offer you to add new guests if there are no still undocumented guests left. Already saved guests will be displayed at the top of the page.
5. Services
In this tab you can add services to the reservation if the guest requested them. At first select the service from the drop-down list. There will be only active services that you created and included in the rate in the list.
After selecting the services, fill in the required fields:
Price - is taken from the service settings. However, you can change it if you want.
Nights - How many days will the service be provided.
Number of Guests - for how many guests will the service be provided.
Date and time - if in the service settings during its creation it was specified that these fields should be included, they will be displayed in the form.
Amount - the number of services per day and per one guest.
Comment - internal information for employees.
6. Accommodation
If you have not yet selected a room for guests, then you can do it in this tab.
In the header of the tab you can see if the clients are accommodated or not and if yes in which room. You can also see if the guests checked-in or not.
Be careful, the program will always tells you if there is something wrong. If the client didn't receive the accomodation, you will receive an "Accommodation not specified" warning.
In the Select accommodation on block the dates of the reservation can be seen and lower all available rooms for these dates are indicated. You can narrow the search by using the filter. To select a desired room, click on the green checkmark. A new window will pop up immediately, where the program will ask to confirm accommodation. If you want to remove the placement, click on the Delete button.
Note. You can accommodate a guest in another room type, different from the one specified in the order. The desired room type has a green color, other rooms are white. But you can place a guest anywhere you want if the situation requires to change the room type. White color indicated the rooms which are is not recommended. The chosen rooms are shown in yellow.
In the Accommodation info tab you can specify the visit purpose of the guest, whether it is tourism or a business trip.
In a Check in/out time block you can determine who of the guests have already checked-in or checked-out and when they've done it. Also, the system will warn you if payment has not yet arrived or if check-in or check-out is too early for this reservation, when you fill in these fields.
7. Accounting
In this tab you create a payment. In the header of the tab you can see if there is a debt on the order, what amount was paid and the total amount of the order.
If there is an overpayment, the amount will be indicated with "+". If the payment is done correctly and there is no overpayment or a debt, the header will show "OK".
In order to make a payment you need to form a payment document. You can find more details about the payments and the cashdesk here.
Important! Fill in all the fields! The only optional field here is Comment.
Specify the payer - the payer can only be selected from those who have been added to the Payer and Guests tabs.
Transaction Type - indicate what document you are forming: income, expense (cashback) or if it is a commission payment.
Sum - specify the sum. You can write only a positive number above 0 even if it is expenses.
Payment option - choose here what payment method was used: cash, bank transfer or online payment.
Document date - the date when the document is created.
Paid? - turn the switch on if the payment was received.
Notify about the payment? - turn the switch on if you want to send a confirmation of payment.
Payment Date - specify the date of payment.
Number - it is formed automatically and usually is the same as the order number.
Comment - you can add any additional information for employees here.
After you save the changes, the header will automatically change. All payments will be at the top of the page in the Calculations tab. You can also delete or confirm them right here. The payments will also be automatically added to the cashdesk, you can read more about it here.
You can also confirm the payment right here after you save the payment document.
8. Documents
In this tab you can add scans and photos of the documents.
In the header of the tab you can see how many documents have already been added.
In this tab you need to fill in the following fields:
Type - choose a correct document type from the drop-down list.
Scan type - choose a scan type if necessary in this field.
Client - which client this document belongs to. You can only choose from the clients you specified earlier in the reservation.
File - Click "Browse" to upload the document and select it from your computer. The format our program supports are: png, jpeg, jpg, gif, pdf, xls, doc. The size limit is 2 Mb.
Comment - any additional information for the employees.
After adding a document, save the information every time you want to add another one. When you finished filling in all the fields and tabs you can Save and Exit from the reservation window.
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